Enki Modules
Enki Kiosk
Data consultation should not be a complicated experience for users. In seeking a friendly and effective technological solution we have created information kiosks, from where an array of diverse content is displayed to users.
The consultation is very user friendly and facilitates access to data in a dynamic and agile way, only click once on the image which represents the topic.
It is not necessary to edit web pages to provide new options and whenever information is integrated it will be available in the kiosk, so long as it meets the search criteria established for the icon.
Descriptive cataloguing
- Simultaneously supports different formats for metadata creation: Dublin Core, ISAD G, MARC 21, MODS, and allows formats designed to suit the needs of the user to be generated. In addition, it updates existing formats in accordance with changes in standards.
- Link one or more digital objects to the metadata record.
- Supports the import and export of files in different formats, such as: XML, ISO 2709 y ASCII.
- Identifies duplicate records based on parameters set by the institution and allows them to be merged.
- Design reports and statistics tailored to the needs of each institution
The circulation module defines different and independent circulation policies for each library. Regardless of the complexity of circulation policies, the Janium system is designed to be adaptable to the any institution’s way of working. This module can perform:
- Loans, returns, and material renewals.
- Print loan and return tickets.
- User registration.
- Management of sanctions and fines.
- Send notifications via email, print, or mobile phone (SMS) etc.
- Generation of no debt reports.
- Allows to manage hierarchical fund structures.
- It has support for the Catalog of Documentary Provision in case it requires the instrument to record the conservation periods of the life cycle of the documents.
- Through the use of workflows, documents change stage within the life cycle automatically.
- It allows to export the activities related to the life cycle and worflow of a document to an external file in taskpaper format
Loan History
The Janium system can be configured so that from the public catalogue the user can view their loan history. This history shows you:
- Classification, bar code, title, author.
- Account Number, user profile, library, date and time of loan, maturity and return.
- Date and time of loan, returns, and renewals of materials.
- Account Number of the operators who registered the loan and who recorded the return.
Loan requests
Through the public catalogue users are able to send a loan request to search for available material. This function allows the user to send a loan request of a given item to the circulation desk.When the user submits a request, the material is reserved for this user for a certain time (the reservation time may be configured to last minutes or hours) in order to allow the user to get to the circulation desk to check it out. Janium allows the library to generate reports with information about the time that takes a patron, from the moment he or she makes the request until the item is checked out, to complete a loan request . This function is particularly interesting for institutions whose patrons do not have access to the collections and must fill out an application form at the circulation desk to request the item .
Through a very simple procedure for the operator, from the Modules of Management, Bibliographic Control and Circulation, it is possible to perform the physical inventory of the existing collections in each of the libraries without suspending the service.
- It allows the use of portable terminals
- It generates all reports automatically and very easily.
SIP2 interface
El Sistema Janium cuenta con la interfaz SIP2 para la conexión de equipos de auto-préstamo de diversos proveedores.
Language Control (by Authorities)
- Handles authority records ISAAR (CPF), MARC 21 or metadata defined by the institution.
- Automatically checks for matches between entries in the records and the records of authorities, automatically validating them to catalogue the item.
- Manages relationships of “see” and “see also”, as well as the fields required to establish hierarchies.
- Automatically generates files of authority from records.
The Enki search engine is, without a doubt, the most powerful and versatile one on the market, since it allows the user to retrieve the information of digital objects in an efficient manner. It also supports the use of Boolean operators and wildcards to the right, to the left or both, simultaneously. It has limitation tools that restrict searches and allow for the creation of indexes tailored to the needs of each institution.
Operates with different search types:
- Fast: By keyword, alphabetically and full text.
- Advanced: Through a combination of one or more indexes: keyword, subject, list selection and full text.
- Other catalogues: Searches can be done in other catalogues via Z39.50 or http.
- Full text: Allows you to search the contents of documents in text formats related to records. It is also possible to make searches combining the full text index with other indices which look at the metadata.
Full text index
This index can search for terms within the electronic documents linked to the bibliographic record or specimens that we call a digital objects; provided it is an archive or file in text format.
They can be electronic documents PDF (text), DOC, TXT, RTF, HTML, PPT, ZIP etc. and are linked to metadata to enrich the information that is offered to users in the public catalogue (OPAC).
Enki indexes the content of these electronic documents, increasing the chance of information retrieval since it does not depend on the information captured in the metadata, but it also allows you to search for information contained in electronic files.
- It complies with the OAI-PMH regulation that allows the exchange of information between servers and systems gatherers. Enki has server functions to share information stored in its database
- It includes a means that allows you to convert the stored information in MARC21, ISAD-G formats and owners to the Dublin Core format, so that they are available through the OAI-PMH Enki module.
Users can “tag” records for their own personal use or to share with others publicly. The institution can decide what privileges it grants to the beneficiaries to enable them to use this feature.
Consultation with other systems
It is possible to access other consultation systems and web pages from Enki and even index-link the text.
Progressive Zoom Viewer:
This technological resource allows the display, in an efficient manner, of high resolution images without generating excessive network traffic. Display sequences of images with intuitive navigation controls that give the user an opportunity to rapidly paginate the document that is opened. With this feature, you can zoom in or out each page of the document, obtaining images of different resolutions.
The information contained within the repository have different hierarchical levels of security assigned to users and to bibliographic records, copies and digital objects.
Reports and statistics
- It generates lists and statistics of: records, catalogues, authorities, users etc.
- It allows you to export the information from the reports to spreadsheets or text files to use them in other applications.
- It is designed to be used by the end user without the intervention of technical support. All the fields in the system are recoverable through reports.
- Enki is adaptable to each client’s specific needs. The parameters may be configured by each institution according to their preferences or needs.
- Search metadata as well as the document content in any text format. Documents are not required to be on the server where the application is located.
- Complies with international regulations for the standardised handling of files.
- The Enki system is multilingual, and is available in different languages.
- Simultaneously supports metadata records in different formats:ISAD-G, Dublin Core, MARC 21, MODS, ISIS, CEPAL and tailor-made proprietary formats.
What is Enki?
Enki is an archive management system and digital repository designed entirely as a web application. Enki can operate in physical, digital and mixed environments